QuiltingHub Listing Accuracy


Since 2013 QuiltingHub has been the most trusted and most visited quilting resources site to find quilt shops. We discuss how accuracy played a rule.

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QuiltingHub Listing Accuracy

Listing accuracy is important. Quilters do not want to drive long distances to find that a show or a shop has moved or closed. QuiltingHub is the first and the only site to be designed from the ground up to keep our content accurate.

QuiltingHub Listing Accuracy


Community Maintained

Our users (quilters and business owners), add, update, verify, and report content errors on the listings. Whenever an error is reported, it goes directly to the listing owner to review and correct. We stay out of the loop. In addition, our listings are paid monthly except for the free ones), which alerts us that a failing payment is likely to be a failed business.

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2016 Statistics

QuiltingHub has over 22,000 quilting resources viewed by over 400,000 quilters at a page rate over 1 Million view per month. We had over 43,000 updates on that content alone.



Better Than Other Sites

Every other quilting resources website is maintained through one central person. I want you to imagine 43,000 updates going through one person. Now you understand why so many websites have come and gone, and why the ones still in existence are so out of date.

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If you are looking for knowledge, QuiltingHub is your central hub for all quilting information. If you want to list your content with us, there is no better place for that as well. Just click the add buttons found on almost every page, or click your listing type next to "List Your Information?" found on almost every page.

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